It's been almost too good of a month on the book front, so I'm breaking away from my usual Pointless Lists format to give you this little review of everything I managed to devour this month. Irony: After three months of nothing, I had three e-library books come up. Like, all at once. Add to that a book I've had preordered for a year, and it was a whirlwind of words.
Whatever. Spreading things out is highly overrated.
Books read
Library of Souls: The Third Novel of Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. I actually read this as a book (Abby's copy, to be precise) because after reading the second via my e-library account, I discovered the third one isn't offered. You guys, I just can't even see the logic in this. Readers have needs! You've got to complete the series, The Man! That's just good manners.
I liked this book much better than the second -- it was just a fantastic, action-packed ordeal. I also like how Riggs incorporates old, bizarre pictures into his stories. Thumbs up!
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. This was the first of my e-library riches that I decided to tackle, since it's the one I'd been looking forward to the most. I wanted to read it as a library book, though, because I've seen mixed reviews -- some people love it, some people hate it -- and I didn't want to shell out $10 and just be disappointed.
I shouldn't have worried. This is just a great read. The premise is that 99 percent of the earth's population is wiped out, and with it, all internet, electricity, phones, transportation ... you get the idea. It's like Little House on the Prairie except with crazier people. Which makes sense -- how do you go from having all those things to NOT? Really, it's mind-boggling. So you've got doomsday cults and theater troops and people just trying to survive all thrown together. You can read the summary and reviews for yourself, but you guys, I totally recommend this one. I'm tempted to buy it just so I can read it again...
In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume. Oh, Judy Blume, author of my childhood! How could I resist a book for adults, then? Another of my e-library books (why did all the good ones come up all at once?! I like to read things twice, and I didn't have the chance...). Another fantastic read. This one is based on three plane crashes that happened in her hometown of Elizabeth, New Jersey, in the early '50s. It's a fictionalized account, but it's really compelling, especially in this age of post-9/11 terrorism et al. Loved the characters, loved the ending where everyone is scarred but okay. Highly recommend.
Winter (The Lunar Chronicles) by Marissa Meyer. THIS is the book I've been patiently waiting for FOREVER, and preordered it from Amazon the minute I was able to. The Lunar Chronicles are amazing, you guys -- they're fairytales with a twist: Cinder (Cinderella) is a cyborg who kicks ass, Scarlet (Little Red Riding Hood) is a pilot who kicks ass, Cress (Rapunzel) is a hacker who kicks ass, and Winter (Snow White) is an insane princess who kicks ass. Do you see where I'm going with this? You cannot go wrong here.
This was the final book in the series (sigh), and it was worth the wait. I love Meyer's writing style, I love her characters, I love her storylines, I love that I think I know what is going to happen and then she takes me by surprise. I would read this woman's shopping lists. If you haven't read this series, you need to drop everything right now and do it. I'm serious. You're welcome.
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir. I read this one on Abby's recommendation, and it was a good read. It's got an interesting premise, even if the storyline isn't new (you know, the whole "throwing off the oppressor" ordeal. Three of my five books this month were along those lines. Huh). Easty-to-read writing style, believable characters, and again, I like it when I think I know what is going to happen and then it turns out I didn't after all. (Screaming OH NO YOU DIDN'T at my Kindle is fun!) It looks like this is the first in a series, so... I've got something to look forward to.
As it is only Nov. 23 and I've got seven whole days before the month ends, you might think it premature for me to write my finalized list. It isn't. My plan is to reread Winter (slowly, this time) and enjoy the fact that I know what happens and I don't have to worry about the characters anymore. ;)
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