I suppose we need a Halloween recap, what with it being Halloween and everything. Today was a fairly mellow day, unless you count me trying to get to the post office with our end-of-the-month billing and not being able to drive 3/4 of the streets downtown, as they were closed for "safe trick-or-treating." You know what's safer? Not going downtown at all.
We took Johanna trick-or-treating tonight. Abby came along too, of course, although she didn't dress up--we decided she was too old--but she did draw a moustache on her upper lip. Because she's a ninja. We went to an assisted living center, the one where all of Eric's grandparents lived at one time or another. It was happy and sad, if that makes sense. Some of the people needed help putting candy in Johanna's pumpkin, while others chatted her up. That's life in a nutshell, I suppose. Next we went to my parents' house, where we were all given a gift bag o' candy. (Thank you, Mom!) I took Jo to a couple of houses around my parents' neighborhood, just for kicks. There were a couple that she deemed "too scary." We skipped those. She didn't seem to need a lot of house-to-house trick-or-treating. Four houses were maybe three too many. Probably because we'd forgotten her jacket and she was freezing.
Next came Stacey's house. Stacey apparently never gets trick-or-treaters, and was ever so pleased when I said we'd stop by. She gave both girls king-sized candy bars (which, incidentally, was a Big Hit), and Johanna this pair of monkey socks:
Best. Socks. Ever. |
Eric told one of his co-workers that we'd come by, so we stopped there for a bit. She gave us cookies, and Johanna gave her furniture perhaps more action then it has ever seen ever. On our way home, we stopped by a family friend's house, and then Eric's aunt and uncle's place. We made it back by 8 p.m. Well, it's a school night. And Johanna was asking to be done. (That's my girl!)
So how did Abby feel about her non-Halloween? "I kind of wish I'd have had a better costume then a moustache made of eyeliner, and I think it's stupid that Mom and Dad wouldn't let me dress up, but the funny thing is that I got a better haul this year than last year. And my moustache was gorgeous." (Abby is slightly loopy from the pain of getting her braces tightened this morning. The high of not having to wear her headgear anymore has apparently worn off. Bring on the Tylenol!)
And now! A pointless list o' random stuff from October!
None. Again. What's the point?
Books read:
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl (I'm a bit embarrassed to admit to reading this, because it's all Twilight and I like to pretend I'm better than that, but. I'm not. I really liked this book, enough to download the sequel soon after finishing the last page. What? It's an intriguing storyline and well written. So there!)
Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl (The aforementioned second book. It was also good, which meant I had to pre-order the third installment. I mean, we've come THIS far, so why not?)
Dark Dream by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl (Sensing a theme? This was a short story plus a preview of the third book in the series. It was fine, but probably not something I really needed to read.)
Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl (I thought that this was the last book in the series. Turns out, not so much. Good grief. I am way too involved with these characters for my own good. This one jumped the shark a bit for me, what with the rapture coming because Lena broke the moon, but still, I enjoyed it and now have to wait a year or whatevs for the next one. It's a cruel world.)
Books I tried to read but failed:
Food Inc. (Again! But I did get a little farther this month. It's not really the sort of book that's easy to read unless you're already in a rage, if you know what I mean.)
Things I canned:
Quote of the month:
"Coffee can only do so much." --Stacey
Picture of the month:
![]() |
Happy Halloween! (By Johanna) |