Friday, March 23, 2012

I'd like to fathom the unfathomable

That's me, right now.  Raging against the machine.  You know what I'd serve for dinner tonight if I thought I could get away with it?  Popcorn and apples.  Maybe a bit of peanut butter on the side.  That's most of the food groups, right?

Instead, because I knew everyone would freak out love my family, I sucked it up and rooted around in the freezer a bit and found a gallon of cherry tomatoes.  From 2010, but whatever, they're probably perfectly fine.  So spaghetti it is!  I'm attempting to make those little tomatoes into sauce, except all they're doing right now is being watery and disgusting.  It's helpful sometimes, being optimistic about all the wrong things.  Undaunted, I press on.  (Popcorn and apples can be Plan B.)

I promised Abby I'd try to get tickets to The Hunger Games before work today, so that's on my list.  Here's hoping our small town is small enough that I can waltz right in and get tickets for tonight.  Oh, and FYI, I'm a little nervous about seeing this movie, because I love the books so much.  Well, of course the books will be better, but still and all.  I'm not above joining the fray.  And I admit that the thought of Abby jumping up and down screaming is also a plus.

P.S. Have one last homemade cleaner to post, but I'm not in the mood.  This weekend!  Probably.

Chevelle, Indifference.  Because!  It's time to measure the immeasurable.  I love you, Chevelle.

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